December 18, 2009
November 23, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 12, 2009
A New Look at the Hemphill Papers

Hemphill represented South Carolina’s Fifth District in Congress from 1957 to 1964. President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Hemphill to a federal judgeship in April 1964. A distinguished jurist noted for his keen opinions and strong work ethic, Hemphill took senior status in 1980, and continued to hear cases until he suffered a massive heart attack in July 1983. He returned to work shortly before a second attack took his life on Christmas night, 1983.
Hemphill's public papers cover his seven-year tenure in Congress and his seventeen years as a federal judge. His judicial materials include his court schedules from 1964 until 1982, which provide insight into his heavy workload, and eight volumes of judicial opinions, 1969-1974, that showcase the wisdom and fairness he was known for in his courtroom.
His personal papers relate to his long involvement with the Civil Air Patrol, leadership in the Purity Presbyterian Church of Chester, and his life before embarking on a legal career in 1945. The materials from his early life consist of letters to international pen-pals, high school report cards, and invitations to organizations and other events during his collegiate years.
At the time of Hemphill's death, Chief U.S. District Judge Charles E. Simons, Jr. characterized him as “an outstanding judge of great judicial temperament, and he was one of the hardest-working people I have ever known.”
--Contributed by Gabrielle M. Dudley
October 27, 2009
Bon appétit from SCPC
"Take three pounds of small Navy Pea Beans, wash and run through hot water until Beans are white again, put on the fire with four quarts of hot water - - then take one and one-half pounds of Smoked Ham Hocks, boil for two and one-half hours, braise one onion chopped in a little butter, and when light brown, put in Bean Soup. Season with salt and pepper, then serve. Do not add salt until ready to serve. (eight persons)"
Bon appetit.
October 26, 2009
Archives Month is here

Digital Collections
I. DeQuincey Newman Papers -- a Methodist pastor, activist, entrepreneur, and a leading figure in the Civil Rights movement in South Carolina. His entire collection is digitized. Some documents are available online through the link above. Others may only be viewed from a computer at SCPC.
Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words --200 of Senator Hollings' writings, speeches, photographs, and audio files from his days as Lt. Governor, Governor, and U.S. Senator.
The Acerbic Pen: Editorial Cartoons from the Collections of Walt Lardner and Kate Salley Palmer. At left is a Lardner cartoon about the Hunger tours of the late 1960s and early 1970s embarked on by Senator Hollings and Governor West.
Exhibits on Robert McNair, Donald Russell, Floyd Spence, and John West
Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words -- 200 items from the Papers of Fritz Hollings
Research Guides
Civil Rights material and Women's History material at SCPC.
Books written by and about our donors (like Jack Bass, Kate Salley Palmer, and C. Bruce Littlejohn)
Memoirs of U.S. Representatives and Senators.
October 7, 2009
Progress of our New Home!
The picture looks out over the Hollings Library and to the SE where you can see all the houses nestled east of Pickens St. Notice the walkway on the left of the picture that connects the Hollings Library to Thomas Cooper. Check out many more photos of the progress.
We look forward to moving in next spring. Fingers crossed!
September 30, 2009
Environmentalists, Inc. Papers- Take Two!
“There aren’t many 87 year old grandmothers like Ruth Thomas. For 35 years, Thomas has fought nuclear industry in South Carolina,” Sammy Fretwell, The State Newspaper, Dec 2, 2007
Recently, SCPC picked up a significant addition to Mrs. Thomas’ collection documenting her organization, Environmentalists, Inc. This week, myself, and the other two graduate assistants, Gabby and Virginia, completed the preliminary inventory of the materials.
As a team, we tackled the many cartons of correspondence, meeting minutes, reports and court documents, and legislation related to environmental issues. Some highlights include a play written and copyrighted by Thomas about environmental education and Thomas’ personal minutes from her group’s Sunday meetings. True to her environmental roots, Thomas seemed to take notes or write letters on just about anything from pieces of junk mail to checkbook covers! We even found items attached with clothes pins!
The preliminary inventory helps to establish both intellectual and physical control of the materials and will be the foundation for future processing activities.
-Submitted by Debbie Davendonis Todd
September 23, 2009
New Discoveries in the Gasque Papers

Check out an updated finding aid for the Gasque Papers that includes added material and highlights documents and subject areas previously unknown to even the archivists here at SCPC.
Gasque represented
Much of Gasque’s mail concerns the selection of local post masters. He could select from among the three individuals scoring highest on a federal exam to fill any openings for these desirable, remunerative, and hotly contested positions. Letters of recommendations from locals highlight the political ramifications of an appointment and the political battles that waged between potential appointees. Gasque fumed over the local corruption and was frustrated by his inability to influence patronage.
Veterans, their widows and families held a special place in Gasque’s heart. Correspondence poured in from Civil War widows and from veterans of the Mexican American, Indian, Spanish American, and First World wars. Gasque supported a number of pieces of legislation to aid widows and families, as well as assisting veterans with pension claims.
Gasque suffered from heart troubles and illness throughout his career. Get well letters poured in after he suffered a major heart attack in 1935. He lost his battle with heart disease just hours after the close of the 75th Congress in 1938. His wife served his remaining term and his long time secretary, John Lanneau McMillan, was elected to Gasque's former seat and served through 1972. McMillan's papers are also held by SCPC.
--contributed by Debbie Davendonis Todd
September 18, 2009
New finding aid for the Hollings Papers

The Administrative files include:
- Invitations that Hollings accepted to various events, like the one pictured above.
- Press office files that document operations of the press office -- files about the drafting of the Senator's book, The Case Against Hunger (1970), are in the Personal series AND all other documents created by the press office are in the Press and Media series.
- Files about Hollings' state visits, town hall meetings, and other functions
- Office files that document the management of Hollings' Senate office
- Schedules for the Senator
- and more...
September 4, 2009
SCPC Holiday Schedule
August 10, 2009
SAA Annual Meeting
Several SCPC staff members will be in Austin this week for the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists. Kate will be holding down the Pearl Warehouse fort, though. Don't worry!
Herb is teaching a pre-conference workshop, “Raising Private Monies to Support Archival Programs .”
Dorothy will have numerous duties as a member of the Program Committee.
This Saturday (8am!), I am speaking on a panel, “MPLP Revisited: Choosing the Right Processing Strategy for Your Repository.”
Look out Austin! The archivists are coming.
August 3, 2009
Farewell Julie and Katie!

We were lucky to have both Julie and Katie with us. We wish them the best in their future library and archival endeavors! We also thank them for their good sense of humor. We threw them a patriotic farewell party, complete with costumes. Here we are that day. Standing with Lori, Mai, Debbie, and Dorothy, the two honorees are easy to pick out!
July 17, 2009
Guide to Hollings' Campaign Records

The records include Hollings' successful 1950 re-election to a SC House seat, successful campaigns for lieutenant governor and governor in 1954 and 1958, failed 1962 bid for U.S. Senate, subsequent successful senatorial campaigns (1966, 1968, 1974, 1980, 1986, 1992, and 1998), and his 1984 run at the presidency.

Visit SCPC today and take a look!
July 13, 2009
Inez Tenenbaum, formerly South Carolina's State Superintendent of Education, has been sworn in as the new chairman of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. Tenenbaum was nominated by President Barack Obama and was confirmed by the United States Senate on June 23.
Above, Tenenbaum speaks at a press conference on fireworks safety on June 30.
Tenenbaum has donated her papers to South Carolina Political Collections for future research. Congratulations to her on her new post!
June 30, 2009
SCPC Closed Friday July 3rd

This year the July 4th state holiday will be observed on the 3rd (as the 4th is a Saturday). As a result, SCPC and all other University Libraries special collections units will be closed on the 3rd. We will reopen for researchers on Monday, July 6th.
We hope this does not cause any serious inconvenience.
June 15, 2009
Good-bye Allison!

Allison's last day with SCPC was earlier this month. Today, she starts a full-time archives processing position in Atlanta. We wish her the best! We have been lucky at SCPC to have a number of excellent student assistants. Allison joins that group. We will all miss Allison and her contributions around here quite a lot.
Thanks, Allison!
June 2, 2009
SCPC takes a holiday on Friday, July 3rd

This year the July 4th state holiday will be observed on the 3rd (as the 4th is a Saturday). As a result, SCPC and all other University Libraries special collections units will be closed on the 3rd. We will reopen for researchers on Monday, July 6th.
We hope this does not cause any serious inconvenience.
May 18, 2009
Rest In Peace: Charles B. Weasmer
May 5, 2009
Get Zazzled!

Please take a look at our products; you'll probably be surprised at the variety of material to be found in our collections. Check back often, as new items are added fairly frequently.
April 27, 2009
New Finding Aids for Hollings Collection
For his Senate Papers (1966-2004), 3 files list every folder of legislative material and constituent correspondence -- Folder List #1 (1966-78), Folder List #2 (1979-90), and Folder List #3 (1991-2004). Aids for Press and Media, Travel Files, and Voting Record are also up.

So if you can't make it down to SCPC on the USC Campus, check out some of Hollings' material online.

March 30, 2009
SCPC Parking Lot Closed Temporarily
The parking lot at SCPC (w/ the lovely spots for patrons in front of our bright blue door) WILL BE CLOSED as of April 1st. It should reopen Thursday, April 9th.
If you need help finding a space, we might be able to give you suggestions. Give us a call at 777-0577 or 0578.
Sorry for the inconvenience but our lot is being fixed up.
March 17, 2009
Joining the Circus

March 2, 2009
SCPC at the South Carolina Book Festival
SCPC was given a booth at the Festival for a well-received exhibit of the Hollings Collection. Hundreds saw the exhibit, which showcased materials from the collection and Lori Schwartz’s new electronic publication - - Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words, which features over two hundred speeches, press releases, op ed columns, and other items from the Hollings Collection presenting Hollings’ thoughts on government and politics. It is hoped this publication will be welcomed by those interested in Hollings’ career as well as public school teachers using primary materials in their classrooms. Hollings continues to talk and write on government.
February 19, 2009
Hollings to Speak at SC Book Festival

The above candid shot of Hollings with fellow Senators Frank Lautenberg and James Exon during Budget Committee hearings, c.1987, is one of many photos in the book.
Staff from SCPC will be exhibiting documents, photographs, and memorabilia from the Hollings Papers at the USC Press Booth #101 in the Exhibit Hall on Saturday and Sunday. Stop by and take a look!The Book Festival is the latest in a series of events promoting the Senator's book. Following the rousing success of the first book signing at Thomas Cooper Library last June, Hollings signed in Washington, D.C., at The Citadel in Charleston, the Upcountry History Museum in Greenville, DeBordieu Colony Country Club in Georgetown, the Florence County Public Library, and the SC State Museum.
February 3, 2009
Civil Rights Resources

There will be more of these resources as we develop them, and we plan on a topical page for women's history in the near future. We sincerely hope these new resources will prove useful to the researcher and of general interest to the casual browser.
February 2, 2009
Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words

Through these items, those unfamiliar with Hollings’ career and accomplishments can discover his intellect, unflinching honesty, and sense of humor – qualities that often captivated his colleagues, the press, and his constituents…whether they agreed with him or not.
Visitors may search through the material in a number of ways. They may do a keyword search of all the items OR pull up a list of all items from a specific decade OR pull up all documents of a certain type (like articles or letters or audio excerpts). They can also visit a page with over 200 subject terms. You want to know if any of the 200 items talks about NOAA or footwear or Voodoo Economics? Well, the subjects page will tell you.
To view these items, visit:
January 29, 2009
Cheese Day 2009!
Here we are preparing for the festivities. Note the "Corpse of Milk" book of original cheese poetry (held by Kate), compiled by Kristi Castro, a former student and staff member; the "Big Cheese" game (held by Lori) crafted and created by Laura Koser, another former student and staffer; and lastly, the official Cheese Day sign, made by Craig Keeney, one of Cheese Day's founders, in 2004.

The last element of the festivities is the playing of "The Big Cheese"...

January 16, 2009
Forming a New Government

One of the first and most important tasks facing a new president-elect is selecting nominees for Cabinet and ambassadorial positions. Four prominent presidential appointees, whose papers are held by SCPC, are represented in the exhibit:
John West, ambassador to Saudi Arabia under President Carter;
Jim Edwards, Secretary of Energy under President Reagan;
Dick Riley, Secretary of Education under President Clinton (shown above);
and David Wilkins, ambassador to Canada under President George W. Bush.
The exhibit will be on display in the East Gallery of Thomas Cooper Library until March 31.
January 7, 2009
Power in Government