More finding aids for the Ernest F. Hollings Collection
are now on our website. Check them out! You'll find guides to Hollings'
Gubernatorial Papers, his
Personal Papers (except for his Campaign Files -- that will be up in a few weeks), and most of his Senate Papers.
For his Senate Papers (1966-2004), 3 files list every folder of legislative material and constituent correspondence --
Folder List #1 (1966-78),
Folder List #2 (1979-90), and
Folder List #3 (1991-2004). Aids for
Press and Media,
Travel Files, and
Voting Record are also up.

Some documents in Press and Media are part of
"Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words". Of the 200 writings, speeches, photographs, and audio files in this online exhibit, you'll find 57 articles written by Hollings for newspapers and magazines, 65 newsletters (like the partial front page of one shown above from Aug. 1976) and newsletter articles sent to South Carolinians from the late 1960s through mid-1980s, and a few press releases.
So if you can't make it down to
SCPC on the USC Campus, check out some of Hollings' material online.
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