This week,Statehouse Report pondered, "Boy, the guys liked their hats a few years back. Figure out yet who the guy in the middle was and what he was doing about the time this photo was taken (hit the rewind button for about 52 years)."
And the answer is...
Before Fritz Hollings was a U.S. Senator, he was Lt. Governor and Governor of South Carolina (1955-1963). In this classic shot taken Feb. 5, 1958, Lt. Governor Hollings stands with T.C. Bannister, Jr., and R. Sundberg at the Bowater Pulp Mill in Catawba, S.C., prior to the mill’s start up. Hollings successfully ran for governor later in 1958. As Lt. Governor, Hollings was known for pursuing industrial interests for the state — something he continued as governor.
To find out more about Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, check out his collection or contact us.
Photo and caption originally appeared in the May 28, 2010 issue of Statehouse Report.
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